How do I edit my store?

In the store list, you can enter a store to edit it and get more details about it.

Here you can find:

Store details

Edit the store name, the email address to the store, the phone number to the store, and the address to the store. This information will be visible to your customer after a purchase. Either on the receipt if you have that enabled for your merchant account, or on the payment slip.

Control tips on a store-level

By editing the tips on the store level, you'll activate tips on all of the terminals registered to that store. The hierarchy for tips is Store level → Controls all registered terminals IF they have no specific tips added to them. If you have adjusted tips for a terminal that will override any store-level tips settings.

List of connected terminals

At the bottom of the store details, you will find all registered terminals. You can see all terminal details if you click on the terminal in the list.

You can also click on the blue button "+ Register new terminal" if you want to register a new terminal.