How to register CheckoutX SoftPOS through QR code

You can easily register CheckoutX SoftPOS by scanning the QR code, or clicking a link, from your Merchant portal

Login to your Merchant account at and then visit Terminals ā†’ Register new terminal.

Once there, you will find a button called Generate QR

When you click it you will get a QR code on your screen, together with a link.

Make sure that you have CheckoutX installed on the device you want to register. Then simply scan the QR code with the device camera, or click the link if you visit the merchant portal from the same device.

This will trigger the CheckoutX app and register it for you, without having to enter any OTP codes.

Once done, you will be able to accept payments instantly.

Instant registration QR

To speed up the process even more, we added this feature to the top right corner in the Terminal page calling it āš”ļø CheckoutX. Click it and get the QR visible instantly

Note: Each QR code/link is for a single terminal so you need to click the Generate QR for each terminal you wish to register.