If you are experiencing issues when trying to perform a transaction, please try the following actions
If you are experiencing issues when trying to perform a transaction, please try the following actions:
For the Surfpay POS app on your smartphone:
- Close the app.
- Go to Play Store → CheckoutX Surfpay POS → Uninstall → Install
- Open the app
- Click "Register terminal".
- Login to your Surfpay account at surfboardmerchant.com and register the terminal with the code visible on the screen
For the SurfpayOne terminal
- Quit the app by pressing "Quit app" on the bottom of the home screen.
- Restart the terminal by long press the On/Off button on the right-hand side of the terminal, until you see "Restart" as an option.
- After restarting the terminal, start the app again by pressing "Accept payments".
You should now be able to accept payments again. If the issue still remains, contact support for further assistance.