What is the info screen?

SurfPad has an info screen that can be accessed when the device is on the idle screen.

To view the info screen: While you are in the idle screen, press the number keys in the following order - 1 3 3 7.

To exit the info screen: Press the Cancel key.

  1. Battery Level: The current battery percentage of the device.
  2. Charging: Shows if SurfPad is currently charging; displays 'Yes' if charging and 'No' otherwise.
  3. External Power: Specifies if the device is connected to an external power source.
  4. Network Type: Shows the network to which the device is connected. This can either be 'GSM' or 'WiFi'.
  5. WiFi Strength: Displays the strength of the WiFi connection as a percentage value.
  6. WiFi Status: Shows whether the device is connected to the WiFi or not.
  7. WiFi init: Shows the WiFi interface status.
  8. WiFi connect: Shows the WiFi connection status as a value between for 0 and 10.
  9. GSM strength: Displays the strength of the WiFi connection as a percentage value.
  10. GSM type: Displays the type of GSM network the device is connected to, represented as '2' for a 2G network, '3' for a 3G network, and '4' for a 4G network.
  11. GSM Status: Shows whether the device is connected to the GSM or not.
  12. GSM init: Shows the GSM interface status.
  13. GSM connect: Shows the GSM connection status as a value between 0 and 10.
  14. Terminal ID: Unique Terminal ID of the device.